First International Cement Based Composites Congress CEBACOM-2022

Etkinlik Kategorisi: Bilimsel Kongre / Sempozyum Organizasyonu

Etkinlik Türü: Kongre

Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2022

Katılımcı Sayısı: 61


The mystery of pyramids gets many researchers to take in action for understanding longevity of these type of structures. The ages of pyramids are above thousands of years and still they act as sustainable for the future as the time challenging structures. The perspective of pyramid engineers also indicates the simplistic design concepts. Thus, the wisdom of civil engineering strikingly enlightened the geopolymers into our lives, which also indicates the name of this congress. The gap, between pure science and enhancing quality of life is the wisdom of civil engineering, which is a combination of art, craft, and mathematics. For a deeper understanding of cement-based composites this event is organized with an accelerated period to pass the pandemic as soon as possible, also. Thereby, the Congress name should imply the scientific era, which means also, many things have done before. This concept, gathered us to decide a name, which can be memorized and remembered easily, harmonic, and a meaningful word. For a pandemic world, to activate the scientific impression to our lives, International Cement Based Composites Congress (CEBACOM) get in life. As the above-mentioned sense, CEBACOM-2022 aimed to get in touch the academicians, researchers and practitioners in the cement-based composites related topics from all around the world to review recent trends, topics, problems, and innovations of knowledge and understanding in the relevant areas to share the knowledge that the present, and the future pose. It is hoped that the proceedings of the CEBACOM-2022 will provide a fruitful background for up grading the branch, through an appropriate exchange of information between all researchers, scientists and industrial scholars. The first impression for a congress is very important, especially, when it's executed for the first time. The participants (from 13 countries - 61 participants) of our congress are worldwide from Pakistan to Austria. Hereby, the manuscripts were about 79 % from out of TÜRKİYE, which implies the globality of the Congress. We think, the Congress got the pace…! I would like to thank to all participants of the congress, especially the session chairs and Keynote from all over the world; to get in touch at CEBACOM-2022. At the second stage, all CEBACOM-2022 Committee members, they have done their best to get in life this Congress. Without their grateful support, the CEBACOM-2022 would not have been the great success it was.