Gıdaların Oral Prosesi Süresince Dokusal Özelliklerini Ölçmek Için Tekstür Analiz Cihazına Uyumlu Çiğneme, Çene Sistemleri Ve Yeni Test Metotlarının Geliştirilmesi

Karaoğlu M. M. (Yürütücü), Bedir Y., Özdoğan A., Gök S.

TÜBİTAK Projesi, 2024 - 2026

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Kasım 2024
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Mayıs 2026

Proje Özeti

Food texture is the mechanical, geometric and surface properties of a product that can be perceived by mechanical, tactile, visual and auditory receptors and is considered one of the most important quality criteria of foods. Textural features have a significant impact on many factors such as the decision to purchase/consume food, the pleasure taken during consumption, the appetite, the perception of aroma and taste components and general acceptability and are an indispensable part of product development and quality control studies. Textural properties of foods can be evaluated by sensory and instrumental methods. Sensory evaluation, which is a subjective analysis method, provides intuitive and accurate data, but it may be affected by the physiological, psychological, cultural, social and economic levels of the panelists. In instrumental methods, the mechanical movements that foods are exposed to during the processing and storage processes are imitated by using various probes and measurement systems, and textural parameters are calculated using the responses of the food sample to these movements. However, the evaluation environment in these imitative and indirect methods is quite different from the real chewing stage, so the results obtained from these systems do not fully reflect the human sense and the method may be insufficient to measure the real consumption quality of foods. On the other hand, the most important and dominant signals in the in vivo evaluation of food texture are received from the oral sensation that occurs during the processing of food in the mouth, and mechanical processes such as biting and chewing constitute the most important stages during the processing of food in the mouth.