Farklı Seviyelerden Yapılan Segmental Mandibular Rezeksiyon Sonrası Rekonstrüksiyon Plağı Uygulanan Mandibula Modellerinde Koronoidektomi İşleminin Mandibula Ve Plak Üzerinde Oluşan Streslere Etkisi: Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi

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KILINÇ A. (Yürütücü), YETER T.

Yükseköğretim Kurumları Destekli Proje, 2021 - 2022

  • Proje Türü: Yükseköğretim Kurumları Destekli Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2021
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Nisan 2022

Proje Özeti

The Effect of Coronoidectomy on Mandible and Plate Stress in Mandibular Models with Reconstruction Plate After Segmental Mandibular Resection: Finite Element Analysis Objective: In this study, it was aimed to investigate how the coronoidectomy procedure affects the stress distributions on the plate and bone in mandible models with reconstruction plate after segmental mandibular resection performed at different levels, using the finite element method. Material and Method: In this study, a mandible model with defects resected from 3 different levels was created. Defects were reconstructed with a 2.5 mm thick conventional plate and a 9 mm long screw. Coronoid incision was made in all of the defected mandible models prepared. Thus, 6 groups were obtained. While the incision lines were determined in 6 models prepared, the distal of the canine tooth at the proximal was considered fixed. In the distal region, 3 different incision lines were determined. In all groups, the proximal incision line is fixed and just distal to the canine tooth: Resection line in the distal region in Group 1; It was created in such a way that it was just distal to the 8th tooth. In group 2, coronoidectomy was performed in addition to group 1. Resection line in the distal region in Group 3; It was created to contain and just above the angulus of the mandible. In group 4, coronoidectomy was performed in addition to group 3. In Group 5, the resection line in the distal region was made approximately 1 cm higher than the distal resection line in Group 3. In group 6, coronoidectomy was performed in addition to group 5. Natural muscle forces and muscle vectors were imitated and applied to models. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was performed. Results: The highest von mises stress value in the reconstruction plate body applied to the mandible model under appropriate loading conditions was found as 1416.97 Mpa, 1021.42 Mpa, 1145.79 Mpa, 395.007 Mpa, 1171.85 Mpa and 383.007 Mpa in the groups, respectively. It was observed that the stress values occurring in all other elements examined significantly decreased after the coronoidectomy procedure. Conclusion: Coronoidectomy (temporal muscle elimination) procedure significantly reduced the stress accumulated on the plate-screw-bone system. As a result, the coronoidectomy procedure should be taken into consideration while making surgical planning in terms of the prognosis of the reconstruction procedure to be performed. Keywords: Coronoidectomy, reconstruction, resection