Bilimsel Araştırmalarda Yöntem Sonrası Bölümlerin Bulgular Tartışma ve Sonuç Akademik Yazım Teamül ve Normlarına Uygun Olarak Yazılması Konusunda Lisansüstü Öğrencilere Yönelik Çevrimiçi Bir Mesleki Eğitim Modelinin Geliştirilmesi Uygulanması ve Değerlendirilmesi

Creative Commons License


Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, 2022 - 2023

  • Project Type: Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions
  • Begin Date: November 2022
  • End Date: November 2023

Project Abstract

This project aims to investigate doctoral researchers’ knowledge and awareness levels of writing post-method chapters (Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion), to provide them with online academic writing instruction based on their challenges while writing these chapters, and to evaluate the effectiveness of such instruction through participant feedback and application results. The project covers online instruction conducted within the framework of qualitative research, and participants consist of students who have completed their master's degree in educational and social sciences. Before the instruction, participant students and supervisors were interviewed to collect qualitative data. In addition, the post-method chapters of the participants' theses were subjected to move and metadiscourse analyses. The content of the instruction was determined using data gathered from interviews, analyses of theses, and written materials on academic writing. The model's instruction was genre-based, and it included both theoretical knowledge about move and metadiscourse analysis, as well as sample texts. Following the instruction, participants were interviewed, and their feedback was used to evaluate the programme. Furthermore, each participant was asked to analyse the postmethod sections of their master's thesis in terms of moves and metadiscourse elements and to evaluate the results they obtained in light of academic writing norms and conventions for these sections. The results showed that genre-based instruction using move and metadiscourse analysis techniques helped the students improve their academic writing skills by increasing their knowledge and awareness of how to write post-method chapters that follow the rules and conventions of academic writing.

Key words: Academic writing, genre-based instruction, doctoral dissertation