Samanın silaj suyu ile muamelesinin in vitro gaz üretimi ve parametreleri ile metan üretimi üzerine etkisi

KAYA A. (Executive), KAYA H., MACİT M.

Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, 2018 - 2019

  • Project Type: Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions
  • Begin Date: February 2018
  • End Date: March 2019

Project Abstract

This study was conducted to evaluate in vitro total gas (TG) and methane gas (MG) production, gas production parameters (a + b, c), organic matter digestion (OMD), metabolic energy (ME) and net energy lactation (NEL) of wheat straw treated with silage effluent. Only wheat straw (control group, (S)), straw treated with urea + molasses (SÜM) and silage effluent (SS), water, urea and molasses (SÇÜM), water (SÇ), 50% silage effluent +50% water + urea + molasses (SÇSÜM), and then subjected to 45 days anaerobic fermentation. Crude protein and crude ash contents of the straw groups treated with silage effluent were increased (P<0.01), and cell wall elements such as ADF and NDF of the straw groups were decreased (P<0.01). In addition, OMD, ME and NEL contents and in vitro gas production (IVIG) of straw were increased by treatment with silage effluent (P<0.01). It was determined that the addition of urea and molasses to wheat straw did not affect the production of methane according to the control, and in vitro gas production parameters were improved (P<0.01). As a result, it has been concluded that wheat straw which has very low feed value can be treated with silage effluent which causes environmental pollution and nutrient loss in order to improve feed value and further works should be carried out to illuminate the subject.