Apexification treatment of immature molar tooth using calcium hydroxide: A case report

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Saraç F., Derelioğlu S.

28th Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, Washington, United States Of America, 10 - 13 June 2021, vol.32, no.2, pp.276

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 32
  • City: Washington
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Page Numbers: pp.276
  • Ataturk University Affiliated: Yes


Introduction: Traumatic injuries to young permanent teeth

often result in pulpal inflammation or necrosis and subsequent

incomplete development of dentinal wall and root

apices Treatment of necrotic immature teeth has always

been a real challenge for the clinician due to the weak root

structure and open apex. Its impossible to accomplish endodontic

treatment with Conventional approach. The treatment

of choice for necrotic young permanent teeth with open

apex is apexification. The aim of this case report is to study

the Effectiveness of calcium hydroxide in the treatment of


Methods: An 8-year-


female patient reported to our clinic

with the complaint of spontaneous pain, after the clinical and

radiographic examinations, tooth 36 was diagnosed with irreversible

pulpitis and tooth was with incomplete Apical

development. Apexification with calcium hydroxide was

performed. CaOH was renewed periodically when resorbed.

Regular clinical and radiographic follow-up

was performed

and after 14 months of apexification treatment, apical barrier

was noticed and confirmation of the barrier was done by

inserting gutta percha point in the canal

Discussion: There are different materials and application

techniques for apexification therapy in the literature. CaOH

has been used in apexification therapy for many years.

Although MTA (mineral trioxide aggregate) apexification

has been performed in a single session in recent years, there

are disadvantages such as application difficulty and high cost

in multi-rooted


Conclusion: The present case shows that Calcium hydroxide

has good potential to induce calcific bridge formation in

apexification of immature permeant teeth.