TURKISH LIBRARIANSHIP, vol.33, no.3, pp.138-164, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The main aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool, which can reveal the attitudes of undergraduate students regarding the Information Search Process (ISP). Internal consistency and reliability computed with Cronbach Alpha (n=374) and test-retest. Construct validity was calculated through factor analyses, Exploratory Factor Analysis - EFA (n=883), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis-CFA (n=200). Additionally, varimax rotation, item-total correlations, and interdimensional correlations were conducted. After conducting these tests reliable and valid attitude scale, Attitude Scale for the Information Search Process (ASISP) with a total of 46 items, and a five-dimensional structure measuring individuals' attitudes toward ISP was finalized. Thus, ASISP is constituted by, "task initiation," "topic selection process," "defining focused topic" , "information collection and search closure," and the "skills of research methodology" dimensions. The results of the study support the idea that the ISP is culture depended.