Fundamentals of Shoulder, gazi huri,Gazi Huri,Mustafa Özkan,Kerem Bilsel, Editör, Springer, London/Berlin , Zug, ss.11-14, 2022
The studies conducted in the feld of molecular
biology and genetics have focused mostly on
rotator cuff tears and partly shoulder dislocations among shoulder diseases. The rate of retear is high in rotator cuff tears, and despite the
improved surgical repair techniques and successful physiotherapy models for patients with
rotator cuff tear (RCT), high rates of re-tear
have led to the view of considering individual
genetic differences in the treatment of this disease [1]. The most common cause of anterior
shoulder dislocations is trauma. However, some
patients who receive the same treatment had
recurrent dislocations due to capsular deformation, while others have a good recovery and do
not have recurrent dislocations. This difference
in prognosis among patient groups with the
same diagnosis and similar demographic features increases.