XLVIII Symposium on Operational Research - SYMOP-IS 2021 , Belgrade, Serbia, 20 - 23 September 2021, pp.65-70
Mathematical approaches are paramount and substantial tools to scientifically model and
apprehend all dimensions related to any given real life problem in all aspects, where, multi-criteria decision
making methods are widely used to obtain robust and reliable solutions to a variety of these real life decision
problem. Entropy method is a trustful multi-criteria decision making tool to order criteria in importance and
to distract data from subjective nature of the prioritization process. As global resource management and
sustainability issues are prior and most critical issues of people and the planet, 17 sustainable development
goals (SDGs) defined by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs were evaluated in this study prior to
their suitability and fulfilment levels for seven metropolises of Turkey. As consequences, SDG priorities were
analysed considering real position of sustainability policy practices, and improvable points regarding
sustainable development performances were addressed.