Clinical Assessment of Pulp Therapy for Primary Molars Performed Under General Anesthesia, Using Two Pulpotomy Agents-A Retrospective Cohort Study

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Çarıkçıoğlu B., Derelioğlu S., Yılmaz Y.

International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research, vol.5, no.4, pp.110-115, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)



The aim of this retrospective study is to clinically and radiographically assess the ferric sulfate and tricalcium silicate (BiodentineTM) pulpotomies. The study consisted a total of 25 children- 9 girls and 16 boys aged between 3-6 yrs. From the patients’ medical records we determined that 35 primary molars were pulpotomied with BiodentineTM and 65 were pulpotomied with ferric sulfate (FS). Patients were recalled in the post-op 6th month for clinical examination and in the post-op 12th month for both clinical and radiographic examination. While a statistically significant difference was found between the factors of age, gender and pulpotomy agents (P<0,05), no statistically significant difference was found between the jaw and teeth types (P>0,05). As a result, recently developed tricalcium silicate based agents (BiodentineTM) can be used as an alternative to FS in pulpotomy.