Coronal pulpotomy with Biodentine® of a syptomatic young mature permanent tooth: A case report

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Erdem E., Çelikel P., Derelioğlu S.

28th Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, Washington, United States Of America, 10 - 13 June 2021, vol.31, no.2, pp.265

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 31
  • City: Washington
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Page Numbers: pp.265
  • Ataturk University Affiliated: Yes


Background: Pulpotomy is a treatment method that can be

performed in mature and immature young permanent teeth

in case the pulp of vital tooth is exposed as a result of caries

or trauma. Goal of the treatment to ensure that the healthy

and vital radicular pulp remains after removal of the infected

coronal pulp of the young permanent tooth of which apical

Forman is closed.

Case Report: An 11-year-


male patient complaining of

night pain in the tooth number 46. On intraoral and radiographic

examination, it was observed that the caries was close

to the pulp tissue, that the root development was completed,

that there were changes in the periapical area. After removing

the carious tissue, coronal pulpotomy with Biodentine®

was performed, as the bleeding from the exposure site could

not be stopped from the coronal pulp. The tooth was restored

with stainless steel crown. On 5 months of follow-up,


tooth was found to be asymptomatic.

Discussion: Coronal pulpotomy treatment is a treatment

method that is used successfully, especially for immature and

mature young permanent teeth.

Conclusion: After pulpotomy treatment with biocompatible

materials such as Biodentine and restoration with impermeable

materials was successful in symptomatic young permanent

teeth with completed root development.