IAPD (International Association of Paediatric Dentistry) 2020 Virtual, 13 - 17 September 2020
Background: Hypoplasias, known to be enamel matrix anomalies, have been reported to increase susceptibility to caries. The aim of this study is to evaluate the presence of hypoplasia and caries formation in first permanent molar teeth (FPM), as well as possible factors that may play a role in the etiology of hypoplasia.
Methods: 90 children between the ages of 6-9 with all FPMs in the mouth, who applied to Ataturk University Faculty of Dentistry, were examined and their FPMs were scored according to ICDAS. In addition, a questionnaire about etiological factors was filled by parents. The data were analyzed by Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests.
Results: 12 (13.3%) of 90 patients had hypoplasia in their FPM and the average number of teeth with hypoplasia was 2.83±1.53. No statistically significant difference was found between children with and without hypoplasia in terms of gender, region, maternal drug use during pregnancy, birth weight, preterm birth, and frequent drug consumption. The average ICDAS scores of 4 FPMs in children with hypoplasia (3.35 ± 1.56) were higher than those without hypoplasia (2.08 ± 1.33) (p = 0.008). The number of teeth with an ICDAS score ≥3 in children with hypoplasia (3.08 ± 1.24) was higher than those without hypoplasia (1.87 ± 1.46) (p = 0.013).
Conclusion: Because of the risk and severity of caries increase in patients with FPM hypoplasia, there is an increased importance of the first visit to the dentist at an early age and preventive dentistry practices for these patients.