The Renewal of Dashed Turkish Hopes in Central Asia

Aydin G.

Great Power Politics in Greater Eurasia: Regional Alliances, Institutions, Projects, and Conflicts, Rahman Dağ and Özgür Tüfekçi, Editör, Lexington Books, Lanham (MD), USA , London, ss.157-180, 2022

  • Yayın Türü: Kitapta Bölüm / Araştırma Kitabı
  • Basım Tarihi: 2022
  • Yayınevi: Lexington Books, Lanham (MD), USA 
  • Basıldığı Şehir: London
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.157-180
  • Editörler: Rahman Dağ and Özgür Tüfekçi, Editör
  • Atatürk Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


 Gülşen Aydın’s chapter touches upon Turkey’s foreign policy towards Central Asia, where ethnically Turkish states were established after the Soviets’ dismantlement. Since the 1990s, Turkey sought to get in touch with them and so to distance the Russian threats from its own borders. Mostly concluded that in the 1990s, Turkey could not achieve what it targeted, not raise ambitions to re-involve in Central Asian politics. As a rising regional power, Turkey encounters Russia, China, Iran, and partly India over the natural resources in the region, having the advantage of the common ethnic origin. Lacking material power to financially substantiate its foreign policy, it seems that Turkey has been employing GPPGE_1pp.indd 12 8/9/22 9:57 AM Introduction 13 soft-power instruments such as cultural, educational, and partly commercial relations. Turkey is also eager to host transnational energy routes from Central Asia to Europe, which Russia potentially agrees with it. In short, Central Asia is most likely to be another target field for regional and international great power politics.