Primary canine and molar relationships in centric occlusion in three to six year-old Turkish children: a cross-sectional study.

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Yılmaz Y., Gürbüz T., Simşek S., Dalmış A.

The journal of contemporary dental practice, vol.7, pp.59-66, 2006 (Scopus) identifier identifier


This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the primary canine and the primary molar relationship in 205 (90 girls and 115 boys) three to six year-old Turkish children with the primary dentition in centric occlusion according to gender and age. In terms of the molar relationship, Class I was represented by 88.29% of all children who agreed to participate in the study, followed by Class II (7.31%), and Class III (4.4%). In terms of the canine relationship, Class I was represented by 87.8% of the sample, followed by Class II (7.8%), and Class III (4.4%). A statistically significant difference was found between age and both the canine and molar relationships (p<0.005), and a positive correlation was confirmed among them. However, the difference and correlation between the gender and the canine and molar relationships were not significant. Keywords: Occlusion, primary dentition, occlusal relationship, flush terminal plane, distal step, mesial step