Existence of Dyslexia Considering the Structure of Different Languages

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Hazır O.

European Journal of Special Education Research , cilt.4, sa.4, ss.103-114, 2019 (Hakemli Dergi)


The existence of dyslexia is still an active debate. This discussion is mainly based on whether dyslexia is caused by unsuccessful teaching methods employed by teachers and the comparison of some countries' high literacy rates while ignoring other relevant dimensions in language structures. Unlike mainstream views, many scholars state that dyslexia is a learning disorder (Elliott & Grigorenko, 2014; Rose, 2009) that negatively affects children's reading, writing, and spelling development. Gabor (2010) stated that there are many indicators of dyslexia, such as problems with decoding, comprehension, spelling, concentration, auditory processing, sequencing, motor skills, and organization. Furthermore, it is argued that spelling and reading comprehension are the main identifiers, and these aspects are the most significant parts of dyslexia. This paper aims to reveal that dyslexia is not a 'fiction' and that high literacy rates in different language structures do not negate the existence of dyslexia.