Religiosity and Secularization in Changing Times The Example of Turkey and the Muslim Diaspora in Germany and Austria, Polat,Yıldız,Donlic, Editör, Beltz Juventa, Berlin, ss.12-28, 2024
Scope of the Study: The literature review presents a general perspective on the relationship between Turkey’s secularization process and religion.The
study goes on to consider a number of important events relating to secularization
and religion that impacted on participants (three groups aged under 30, between
30 and 50 and over 50 respectively).
Purpose of the Study: To identify and compare the experiences and perceptions of three generations who witnessed the secularization of Türkiye, with particular regard to the relationship between secularization and religion.
Research Method: The study deployed a phenomenological method, one of the
qualitative research designs, in order to investigate the experiences and perceptions of individuals in different age groups: at least ten participants aged under
30, between 30 and 50 and over 50.