Identifying randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to major genes for common bacterial blight resistance in tepary bean


JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, cilt.123, sa.2, ss.278-282, 1998 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Common bacterial blight (CBB), incited by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Xcp), is an important seed-transmitted disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) has high resistance to Xcp. The objective of this study was to identify RAPD markers linked to genes controlling resistance to three isolates of Xcp using bulked segregant analysis in an F-2 population from the tepary bean cross CIAT-G40005 (resistant to Xcp) xNebr;#4B (susceptible to Xcp). Twelve RAPD markers were mapped in a coupling-phase linkage with three genes for resistance to Xcp. The linkage group spanned a distance of 19.2 cM. A marker L7(750) was linked to the genes for resistance to Xcp strains EK-11 and LB-2 at 8.4 cM and 2.4 cM, respectively. Markers U10(400) and Y14(600) were detected as flanking markers for the resistance gene to Xcp strain SC-IA at 2.4 cM and 7.2 cM, respectively. The symbols Xcp-1, Xcp-2, and Xcp-3 were assigned for the genes for resistance to Xcp strains EK-11, LB-2, and SC-4A, respectively. RAPD markers linked to the genes for resistance to Xcp could be used for transferring all of the resistance genes from P. acutifolius to a susceptible P. vulgaris cultivar.