Evaluation of the bond strength of different bonding agents to porcelain and metal alloy


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES, sa.1, ss.32-35, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


This study was carried out with the purpose of testing the bond strength of different bonding agents bonded to different substrates. Substrates consisted of cylindrical specimens of three different materials: porcelain, metal, and a porcelain-metal combination. Specimens were all 10 mm in diameter and 4 mm thick. Surfaces to be bonded were air-abraded with Al2O3 and cleaned ultrasonically in distilled water for 10 min. After the preparation of the surface wits complete, three different bonding agents were applied to the central region of the substrates. Composite resin of a 3.5 mm diameter and 2 mm thick was applied. All specimens were thermocycled between 5 and 55 degrees C for 200 cycles with it 30-s dwell time. After thermocycling, specimens were stored at 37 degrees C in distilled water for an additional 7 days before being subjected to a shear load. Shear testing was conducted Hounsfield test machine. The univariate analysis of variance and the Duncan multiple comparison test were used for statistical assessment. It was found that both type of bonding agents and of substrate led to statistically significant differences in bond strength (p<0.01). It was found that the highest bond strength wits produced by Clearfil and on pure alloy Substrate (33.36 MPa) and the lowest bond strength in Single Bond and porcelain-alloy substrate (4.25 MPa). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.