In vitro effects of some drugs on human red blood cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme activity

Ozdemir H., CIFTCI M.

JOURNAL OF ENZYME INHIBITION AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, cilt.21, sa.1, ss.75-80, 2006 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


In vitro effects of omeprazole, morphine sulphate, remifentanyl, ketamine and vankomycin were investigated on human red blood cell glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6PD) (E.C. enzyme activity purified from human red blood cell by 2', 5'ADP-Sepharose 4B affinity gel. The obtained 150 values of omeprazole, morphine, remifentanil, ketamine and vankomycin were 3.24, 43.58, 97.6, 64.16 and 0.903 mM, respectively and the K-i constants for omeprazole, morphine and vankomycin were 8.22 +/- 2.055, 25.93 +/- 6.482, and 2.71 +/- 0.677 mM, respectively and they were non competitive inhibitors.