International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Background: It should be supported self-actualization of nursing students during nursing education.
Aim: The study aimed to investigate the relationship between their self-actualization obstacles and career
choices of nursing students.
Methods: The study was conducted at a university in Erzurum, Turkey, with 1130 students. Data collection
tools included a questionnaire form, Self-Actualization Obstacles Screening Inventory (SAOSI), and Career
Choice Scale for Nursing (CCSN).
Results: In the study, the mean SAOSI score was determined to be 95.22±38.94, and the mean CCSN score was
found to be 97.66±25.66. Although there was a statistically significant and positive correlation between total
CCSN score and total SAOSI score and the need for security and respect sub-scales (p-0.05), there was no
statistically significant correlation between the CCSN and the physiological needs and belonging-love subscales (p>0.05). Conclusion: Their career choices have increases when the self-actualization obstacles of the
students decrease.