Research in agricultural sciences, cilt.35, ss.65-73, 2004 (Hakemli Dergi)
Honısan, Oltu, Pasinler TOWIlb and Erzurum's Central District Vi1lnges, which ınclude 66.60% fattening cattle and 59,25%
of fıınns whieh deal with cattle fattening in the whole proviııce, were chosen by Judgement Sampling Method and eattle fattening fanns
bad been ebosen by Siınple Random Samplmg Method aceording lO their caule numbers. Farms İn local area were clas5ified into four
groups by taken into considenmon the data of faltening period from 2000 to 200 i of 129 fanns, wbich are under invesligation, were
subjected to eost analy,is and inputs using leveL. The effeetjve iııpUts on fattening activiııes and produetion cost in tbe farrns under
invesligation, according to the farms' average, were caıCulat~,d. The average faltening period was calculated as 20453 days in old animals
and 1&5.&1 days in young animals while Iabor faetor is 3.64 Man Work Umt (MWU), faetening cattle nUl11bers 19.92 Catlle Aniınal Unİt
(CAl/), the amount of daily ralion given to animals is 7.43 kg and concentrate f~ed r.ıt~ in ratian is 44.46%. According to the averages of
farms, while the sbares which are taken from production cosls by vtlriable and tixed casts are 69.5J% and 30.47%, the share taken from
variable casis by feed cost is 24.76%. The produclion cost per kg ii"e weigbt ~;as calcıılated, according to 1., ıl, ın., IV. group farms and
the average of farms, as 2.&7, 2.71, 2.96,1.&7 and 2.50 milHaıı TL. On tbe other band the inerernental production cost per kg live weighı
was calculated as 4.94 millian TL in the fıcs'l group fanns, 4.43 millian 11. in the second group farrns, 5.46 million TI~ in the third group
farms, 2.71 million TL İn the foıırtb group forms and 4.2& million TL fıınns average