This study was conducted to assess soil compaction via penetration measurements, to determine soil properties that may influence penetration resistance values and to investigate spatial variation in flavaquent soils where traditional soil tillage methods are used. Soil textures of fields studied were clayey loamy. The study area (2.24 ha) was divided into 80 m-by-80 m transect in north to south and east to west direction. At each grid point (48) soil penetration resistance was measured and soil samples were collected from 30-60 cm depth. Bulk density, aggregate stability, moisture, sand content, silt content, clay content, organic matter, lime content and pH of the soil samples were measured. Variability was the highest in lime content and the lowest in pH and bulk density. Mean value of penetration resistance was 4.47 MPa (range: 2.04-6.69 MPa). A plow pan formation was detected as a result of continuous soil tillage using mouldboard plough, cultivator and disc harrow for a long time. Distribution maps showed that there is a positive correlation and a similar spatial variation between bulk density and penetration resistance. Aggregate stability, moisture and organic matter, on the other hand, are negatively correlated with penetration resistance.