20. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, 28 Kasım - 01 Aralık 2022, ss.1-2
People who have to live by changing their emotions for a fee in daily life usually work under intense
stress and continue their lives. In the sports sector, where face-to-face communication and competition
are felt each passing day increasingly, emotional change and the competitive stress situation related to it
are experienced intensely. This study aimed to examine the relationship between emotional labor and
perceived stress levels of the managers according to the opinions of sports managers. The correlational
survey model, which tries to describe a past or existing situation, event, or individual in their conditions,
was used as a research design. Data were collected from 225 sports managers working in the 2019-2020
basketball season. Findings were obtained using statistical analysis. When the scores obtained from the
Perceived Stress Level Scale are examined, 53.2% of sports managers have moderate stress. The
superficial role-playing scores of male sports managers are statistically significantly higher than those of
female sports managers. The emotional labor scores of single sports managers are statistically
significantly higher than those of married sports managers. There was a low positive and significant
relationship between emotional labor behaviors and perceived stress levels. It can be said that as the
emotional labor level of sports managers increases, the perceived stress levels increase at a low level. It
has been determined that the behaviors of displaying emotional labor of single managers are higher than
those of married sports managers. Men exhibit superficial role-playing behaviors more than women sports
managers. On the other hand, it has been determined that female sports managers exhibit more sincere
behavior than men.
Keywords: Emotion - labor - emotional labor - stress