Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli - Arastirma Dergisi, sa.108, ss.417-434, 2023 (Scopus)
Ömer Necmî Efendi is a sufi poet who writes poems in the footsteps of tradition. He was born in Istanbul. The poet, who joined the military profession, first joined the Halwetiye sect and received guidance from the Shazeliyye, Melâmiyye, Syattariyah, and Rufaiyya sects of the period. He fulfilled his duty of guidance for a certain period in the Alaşehir district of Manisa. He died in Istanbul in 1307/1889. Necmî, who is a productive poet, has a total of six works, all of which are of a mystical nature: Turkish Diwan, Persian Diwancha, Kasîde-i Elfiyye, Tuhfe-i Vahdet, Şem anâme and Sâkinâme. Sakînâmes are common literary genres in Persian and Turkish-Islamic Literature. In this study, the Sâkînâme poem of Ömer Necmî Efendi, which was written in a mystical nature, is discussed. In the study, after giving brief information about Ömer Necmî Efendi's life and Sakînames, two copies of Necmî Efendi's Sâkînâme were introduced, edition critiqued work, It was transcribed and presented to the world of science and literature as a cultural and literary heritage. In addition, in the last section, the work was analyzed in the context of its content. A study on the work was done on a single copy before. However, the detection of a second copy made it necessary to re-examine the work in two copies. Due to the reasons that we will list in a separate title, it was felt necessary to work on the work again.