Bilig, cilt.2023, sa.104, ss.55-93, 2023 (SSCI)
Between 2017 and 2018, we carried out studies in the basins of Mongolia, Orkhon, and Selenga. During our research conducted in 2017, the distance of 2154 km was covered in Mongolia and research has been accomplished in 3 regions, 9 cities, 12 cult spaces and kurgans, 4 runic inscriptions (obelisk and rock paintings), 1 petroglyph, and 7 museums. The distance of 2,470 km was covered in 2018 studies and unlike studies in 2017, 3 regions, 2 cities and monastic center, 6 cult spaces, 9 kurgan centers, 2 petroglyphs, and 2 museums were visited. The kurgan-type burials known in the literature as “Kirigsur” took an important place in most of our work. It was found out that the number of Kirigsurs, which are very common in the Orkhon and Selenga basins, increased during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age and were typologically similar to the Kirigsurs in the eastern and northwestern regions of Mongolia. This article aimed to determine the distribution area of Kirigsurs in the Orkhon and Selenge basins, their typology, and their place in the social life of the period.