12. AVRASYA ÜROONKOLOJİ KONGRESİ, Erzurum, Türkiye, 1 - 04 Eylül 2022, ss.52-53
Aim: Bladder cancers are the second most common urological cancer according to statistics and constitute an important cause of mortality and morbidity. It is suggested that it is extremely rare under the age of 40 and is usually superficial and low grade. In this study, we aimed to present our 8-year-old case with bladder tumor, which is rarely seen in the literature.
Method: An 8-year-old girl presented with the complaint of painless hematuria lasting for 3 days. No abnormality was detected in the physical examination, routine hematological and biochemical tests. On ultrasonography, a 13x19 mm papillary lesion was detected on the left side wall of the bladder.
Results: On cystoscopic examination tumor was resected with laser and base biopsy was taken. As a result of the histopathological examination, a diagnosis of superficial, lowgrade transitional epithelial cell carcinoma (pTa, low grade) was made and no tumoral tissue was observed in the base biopsy. The patient’s first 3-month cystoscopy control was normal. Ultrasound image of the tumor 12. Avrasya Üroonkoloji Kongresi 12th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress 53 Sözlü Bildiriler / Oral Presentations resected tumor tissue.
Conclusion: The bladder tumor case diagnosed in our clinic
is one of the youngest cases in the literature. Younger people
have a much better prognosis because they are more commonly
seen as superficial, low-grade tumors. Smoking and some
occupations are known to be risk factors for the development
of bladder tumors. However, these risks do not exist in the
pediatric age group. Bladder tumor should be considered in the
differential diagnosis of all symptomatic patients, regardless of
the age of the patients, and cystoscopic evaluation should be