15th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education (ECRICE 2022), Rekhovot, İsrail, 11 - 13 Temmuz 2022
an established field of practice, chemistry education research (CER) could be
considered as the teaching and learning of chemistry. The wider scope of CER covers
areas of enquiry such matters as the chemistry curriculum; how learning of
chemistry is assessed; the discipline specific aspects of how teachers are
prepared for and developed in their work; the design of teaching resources that
represent chemical knowledge in ways informed by knowledge of human learning
processes or to support particular pedagogies (Taber, 2019, p.1). Chemistry
education plays important role in enhancing the quality of teaching and
research as well as ensuring that students are equipped with good knowledge and
skills industry and society to meet human needs for food, health care products
and other materials aimed at improving the quality of life (Nnamdi, 2014). Therefore,
identifying the status and changes in trends in CER is important. It is
necessary to reveal the trends in the literature in order to develop solutions
to meet these needs in chemistry education. With the determination of trends,
current developments in chemistry education will be revealed and it will
contribute to the planning of future research. The aim of this study is to
determine the distribution of the number of citations and documents on the
basis of country, author, organization and keywords of the publications in the
"Web of Science (WoS)" in the last 20 years in international journals
on chemistry education and identify how Turkey contributed to the CER
is a document analysis study. The “articles” and “review articles” related to
chemistry education in WoS were subjected to a bibliometric analysis. The data are
obtained from 3285 articles and reviews made published between 2001 and 2020. The
analysis of the data is done with Bibliometric analysis by using the VOSviewer
1.6.17 software.
results showed major trends such as an increase in the number of papers
published. While, at the beginning (2001-2005) America, England, the
Netherlands and Israel were at the forefront, later years (2006-2020) America,
Turkey and Germany are become the main publishers in CER internationally.
Further analysis and results would be presented according to the distribution
of the citations and documents on the basis of country, organization and
Nnamdi, E. (2014). The role of
chemistry education in national development. The International Journal of Engineering And Science (IJES), 3(3), 12-17. https://www.theijes.com/papers/v3-i3/Version-3/C0333012017.pdf
Taber, K.S. (2019). Progressing
chemistry education research as a disciplinary field. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (DISER),
1, Article number: 5, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-019-0011-z