Morkaraman Kuzularında Bazı Büyüme Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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Turkish Federation of Animal Science (Zootekni Federasyonu), cilt.5, sa.1, ss.24-39, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)


In this study, it was aimed to determine the growth traits of Morkaraman lambs raised in breeder conditions born in 2018-2019 in Erzurum province. This study was conducted to determine the growth traits such as birth weight (BW), live weight at the beginning of the grazing period (LWBGP), live weight at the grazing period (LWGP), live weight at the end of the grazing period (LWEGP), daily live weight gain from the birth to the beginning of the grazing period (DLWGBBGP), daily live weight gains during the grazing period (DLWGGP) and daily live weight gain from the birth to the end of the grazing period (DLWGEGP) of 1032 Morkaraman lambs. It was, also, planned to reveal the differences between these performance characteristics. The effects of some environmental factors such as sex, lambing type, year, and ewe age on these traits were examined. The means of BW, LWBGP, LWGP, LWEGP, DLWGBBGP, DLWGGP and DLWGEGP of the lambs were found as 3,67kg, 24,82 kg, 13,76 kg, 38,25 kg, 226,16 g, 141,77 g, and 192,94 g, respectively. According to the statistical analysis results; not only the effect of years, sex, lambing type and ewe age on LWEGP were determined to be significant (P<0,01). To conclude, the local and pasture conditions in Erzurum province. Some growth performances of Morkaraman lambs were determined. Based on performance values such as live weight and daily live weight gains, the lambs can reach the desired slaughter weight up to the end of the grazing period.