MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION & APPLICATIONS - MADEA 9, Bishkek, Kırgızistan, 21 - 25 Haziran 2021, ss.65
Graph theory is a branch of mathematics. The theory has also a very important place in our
lives, since the graphs are used effectively in many fields. As a result of this, the topological
structure of the graphs has been a interesting research subject. Many researchers has studied on
this subject. In this paper, we investigate some topological notions such as accumulation point,
interior point, relative topology, T0,T1 and Hausdorff space on the topological spaces generated
the graphs. Firstly, it is examined that the states of being an accumulation point and an interior
point of a point in these spaces. Relative topology on a subgraph of a graph is defined. It is shown
that this topology is not equal to the topology generated by this subgraph. Finally, necessary and
sufficient conditions for being T0−space, T1−space and Hausdorff space of the topological space
generated from this graph are presented. This enables to examine whether the topological space is
T0,T1 and Hausdorff without obtaining the topology generated from the graph .