Factors that affect the success of laminate veneer restorations

Şencan B. B., Yanıkoğlu N.

Current research in dental sciences (Online), cilt.33, sa.1, ss.58-65, 2023 (Scopus) identifier identifier


Laminate veneers are restorations applied to dental tissue with or without minimal preparation. Laminate veneers have recently been a fairly common treatment in dentistry, with aesthetic con- cerns coming to the fore in patients. But the indications of these restorations should be taken into account, and treatment should be decided after an accurate diagnosis and planning. With the spread of laminate veneers, research on success rates has also come to the fore. It is believed that the factors affecting success in laminate veneers are multifactorial. Laminate veneers are a con- servative form of treatment and require precise technique and attention. There are various types of preparations applied according to the patient in laminate veneers. Different materials can be used in laminate veneer restorations and require a precise simification procedure. In this article, the effects of these factors on treatment and their role in success are examined.