An investigation of homework management skills of middle school student's in terms of various variables

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Ataturk University, Kâzım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri, Turkey

Approval Date: 2022

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Şeyma IŞIK

Supervisor: Ceyhun Ozan


Purpose: This study examines middle school students' homework management processes according to various variables. Method: A survey model was used in this study, which descriptively examines the variables affecting homework management. The sample of the study consisted of 514 secondary school students in the districts of Rize city centre (Pazar, Çayeli, Çamlıhemşin, Fındıklı, Hemşin, Ardeşen, Güneysu, Derepazarı). "Personal Information Form" and "Homework Management Scale for Secondary School Students" were used to collect data in the study. The data obtained in the study were first tested for normality. Based on the normal distribution of the data, a t-test, one-way variance analysis and Kruskal-Wallis H test were performed. Findings: The research shows that students' homework management skills are high.

Regarding sub-dimensions, it was determined that only in the motivation monitoring dimension of the scale students' homework management skills were at a moderate level, while they were at a high level in other dimensions. In the gender variable, female students' homework management skills are significantly higher than male students. A significant difference was found favouring 5th-grade students in the class variable. The father's education level variable determined that students whose fathers graduated from secondary school or high school had higher homework management skills. In the grade point average variable, a significant difference was found in favour of students with an average of 95 and above. Conclusions: Students' homework management skills were found to be at a high level. Homework management skills were found to be at a high level in organizing the environment, managing time, emotion control and distraction, and at a medium level in monitoring motivation. While there was a significant difference between the homework management skills of the students in terms of gender, grade, father's education level and grade point average variables for the overall scale, there was no significant difference in terms of parent marital status, mother's education level, monthly income, room status, use of technological devices and sibling status variables.