Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Bacillus pasinlerensis sp. nov., a thermophilic bacterium isolated from a hot spring in Turkey
, vol.70, no.6, pp.3865-3871, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)
Biological Activities of the Essential Oil and Methanol Extract of Achillea biebersteinii Afan Asteraceae
Turkish Journal Of Biology
, vol.30, pp.65-73, 2006 (SCI-Expanded)
Articles Published in Other Journals
Lipase Production From Thermophilic Bacteria Using Waste Frying Oil As Substrate
Teknik Bilimler Dergisi
, vol.9, no.3, pp.23-27, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Determination of in vivo and in vitro Antimutagenic and Anticancerogenic Effects of Some Salvia Species Wildly Growing in Erzurum Region
Acta Horticulturae (ISHS)
, vol.826, pp.65-72, 2009 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Antimutagenic activity of some salvia species wildly growing in Erzurum
Acta Horticulturae
, vol.826, pp.65-72, 2009 (Scopus)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON NATURAL SCIENCES (ICNAS-2021) , Erzurum, Turkey, 10 - 12 September 2021, pp.53-54
Molecular Characterization of Thermophilic Bacteria and Investigation of Their Potential to Produce Biotechnologically Important Enzymes
Amylase production from thermophilic bacteria using potato peel powder as substrate
ISAS WİNTER-2018, Samsun, Turkey, 30 November - 02 December 2018
Isolation and Identification of IAA Producers from Erzurum
I. International Agricultural Science Congress, Van, Turkey, 9 - 12 May 2018, pp.28
Determination of lipase enzyme production potentials of thermophilic bacteria isolated from hot water springs
7th InternationalMolecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 April 2018
Seven fungal strains with a potential for the bioethanol production from lignocellulosic materials
7th Internatıonal Molecular Bıology And Bıotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 April 2018, pp.40
Isolation and molecular characterization of thermophilic bacteria with potency to produce enzymes which are ındustrially ımportant
7th InternationalMolecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 April 2018
Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolatedfrom chicken samples
7th InternationalMolecular Biology and BiotechnologyCongress, 25 - 27 April 2018
Molecular characterization of cellulolytic bacteria from rumen samples
7th InternationalMolecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 April 2018
Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Turkey dryfermented sausage
7th InternationalMolecular Biology and BiotechnologyCongress, 25 - 27 April 2018
Determination of amylase enzyme production potentials of thermophilic bacteria ısolated from hot water springs
7th InternationalMolecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 April 2018
Isolation, identification and molecular characterization oflactic acid bacteria collected from different regions of Turkeywhite cheese samples
7th Internatıonal Molecular Bıology And Bıotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 April 2018
An Investigation on the Usability of the nifH Primer Set for the Selection of Local Isolates with Nitrogen-Fixing Capability
International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences – 2018, Ankara, Turkey, 26 - 27 April 2018, pp.990
A Fungal Isolate with Biotechnological Importance for Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Agricultural Wastes
6th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, Afyon, Turkey, 22 - 23 December 2017, pp.1
Isolation of N2-Fixing Bacteria from Afşin-Elbistan Lignite Mine and Their Molecular Identification
6th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, Afyon, Turkey, 22 - 23 December 2017, pp.1
Çinko Klorür Öncüsünden Biyosentezlenen ZnO Nanopartiküllerinin T. aestivum Fidelerinde Büyümeİnhibisyonu
2. Ulusal Uygulamalı Biyolojik Bilimler Kongresi, 9 - 12 July 2017
Growth inhibition of T. aestivum seedlings by ZnO nanoparticles biosynthesized from Zinc chloride precursor
Çinko Klorür Öncüsünden Biyosentezlenen ZnO Nanopartiküllerinin T. aestivum Fidelerinde Büyüme İnhibisyonu
2. Ulusal Uygulamalı Biyolojik Bilimler Kongresi, Afyon-Türkiye, Turkey, 09 July 2017
Nanotoxicologic Potential of Bio-synthesized ZnO Nanoparticles from Zinc Acetate
5th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, Skopje, Macedonia, 25 - 29 August 2016, pp.1
Ten Lignocellulolytic Fungal Isolates from Decaying Woody Materials and Their Ethanol Production Potentials
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS) 2015, 15 - 19 May 2015
Lignoselülozik materyallerden etil alkol fermantasyonu yapan mikroorganizmaların izolasyonu ve karakterizasyonu
22. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Eskişehir, Turkey, 23 - 27 June 2014, pp.811
Lignoselülozik Materyallerden Etil Alkol Fermentasyonu Yapan Fungal Mikroorganizmaların İzolasyonu ve Karakterizasyonu
22. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Eskişehir, Turkey, 22 - 27 June 2014, pp.1
Two New Fungal Isolates for Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Materials and Their Molecular Identification
3rd International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, 2 - 06 June 2014, pp.11
Two new fungal isolates with a potential for ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials and their molecular identification
3rd International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Cengress.3rd International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Cengress., Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 2 - 06 June 2014, pp.11
Mutagenic Assesment of Two Newly Synthesized Sustituent Nicotinamide Derivatives
2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 14 - 17 May 2014, pp.342-343
Isolation of Ethanol Producing Microorganisms with Lignocellulosic Activity from Decaying Woody Materials
ICOEST-2014, Antalya, Turkey, 14 - 17 May 2014, pp.280-281
Mutagenic Assessment of Two Newly Synthesized Substituent Nicotinamide Derivatives
2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Antalya, Turkey, 14 - 17 May 2014, pp.1
Isolation of Ethanol Producing Microorganisms with Lignocellulosic Activity form Decaying Woody Materials
2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Antalya, Turkey, 14 - 17 May 2014, pp.1
Isolation and Identification of the Biodeteriorative Bacteria from Işhan Church Yusufeli Artvin
International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 18 - 21 June 2013, pp.629
Öşvank Kilisesi (Tortum/Erzurum)’nde Biyolojik Bozulmaya Neden Olan Bakterilerin İzolasyonu Ve Tanısı
21. Biyoloji Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 3 - 07 September 2012, pp.1
Bacterial isolation from magnesite mines in Erzurum and determination of their ore enrichment potential
Eurobiotech agriculture Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 12 - 14 April 2012, pp.1
Elmalı (Pazaryolu-Erzurum) Mağaralarında Kalsit Oluşumuna (CaCO3) Katılan Bakterilerin Belirlenmesi
20. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Denizli, Turkey, 21 - 26 June 2010, pp.1
Maya Delesyon Testi (Yeast Del Assay) Genotoksisite, Karsinojenite ve Antikarsinojenite Çalışmalarında Kullanımı
20. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Denizli, Turkey, 21 - 25 June 2010, pp.1042-1043
Yıldızkaya (Olur/Erzurum) mağarasında damlataşlarının oluşumunda etkili bakterilerin araştırılması
4.Ulusal Biyomühendislik Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 15 - 18 October 2008, pp.1
Pasinler Erzurum Kaplıcasından İzole edilen Termofilik Bakterilerin Moleküler Karakterizasyonu
19. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 23 - 27 June 2008, pp.250
Hasanabdal Köyü (Van-Erciş) Kaplıcasından İzole edilen Termofilik Bakterilerin Moleküler Karakterizasyonu
19. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Trabzon, Turkey, 23 - 27 June 2008, pp.1
Hasankale (Erzurum) Kaplıcasından İzole edilen Termofilik Bakterilerin Moleküler Karakterizasyonu
19. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Trabzon, Turkey, 23 - 27 June 2008, pp.1
Determination of in vitro Antimutagenic Effect of Some Salvia Species Wildly Growing in Erzurum Region
I. International Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Conference on Culinary Herbs, Aydın, Turkey, 29 April - 04 May 2007, pp.1
Determination of Genetic Profiles in the Greenhouses in the Vicinity of Erzururm
VIII. Europan Congress of Entomology, 17 - 22 September 2006, pp.158
Determination of Genetic Profiles in the Greenhouses in the Vicinity of Erzurum
VIII. Europan Congress of Entomology, İzmir, Turkey, 17 - 22 September 2006, pp.1
Antibacterial and antifungal activities of essential oil and crude plant extract and callus cultures from Satureja hortensis L.
3rd Int. Symposium on Natural Drugs, Napoli, Italy, 2 - 04 October 2003, pp.1